Saturday 13 April 2013

The Men's Room

Little girls learn at a very young age that men are not to be trusted. Don't talk to strangers. Especially men. Be very careful. Avoid them. Above all, do not Trust them. They are perpetrators. And then when  little girls come of age, they are expected to leave their home and marry a man. Now that you've spent your entire life learning to fear men, now go out and find one to spend the rest of your life with.

That's got to mess girls up. Don't. Don't. Don't. And then Do. I do.

And it's got to mess men up as well. We learn we are not to be trusted. We learn we are Rapists. Killers. To be feared. Avoided. And so we do one of two things. We step into that role as Dominator. And inhabit it in all its terror. Turning our homes into battle fields. Fighting ruthlessly with our wives. OR we become Not Killer. We become little girls.

We do everything we possibly can to avoid the killer label. We walk on eggshells around anything to do with Men. We become super nice, accommodating, pleasing, apologizing. We say Sorry for everything. For inhabiting this man body. We live in constant apology. Sorry for this Penis and for all the Penises before me.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone white, male, able-bodied, cisgender, straight, middle/upper class, conventionally attractive, and/or neurotypical is put in a position of privelege simply by chance. We aren't expected to apologize. Just to be conscious of how oppression acts in our lives.

    Always refreshing to hear feminist dialouge understood by fathers. Thank you.
