Sunday 14 April 2013

No Man's Land

Modern men rest in a No Man's Land between Killer and Doormat.

The little girl in our mind is scared of ALL other men. And of our Selves as man. So we do strange things. We hang out mainly with women (other "girls"), who we feel safe with. And we constantly look for approval. From women as mothers. And from men as forefathers. We avoid male friendships. And when we do hang out with men, it is with hesitation and skittish wondering. A deer amidst the Lions. We are constantly wondering if we will be eaten.

And this disconnection comes at a very significant cost. We don't ever actually connect with other men or our selves. Our source. The thread that ties us to our ancient roots is shredded. We thrash and fight with our wives, and our kids. We fall into Great Depression in this chasm. We need desperately to repair the thread. To weave it back together with other men.

We need to marry off our little girls. Let them go. And find ourselves again. Deeply rooted in honour and power. We need to get together with other men in rituals that connect us with who we are. That ground us. And in this weaving, the women and men in our lives will find themselves. It is in grounding with the Earth that this power can be re-stored. Without apology.