Thursday 11 April 2013

Broken Telephone

I just got Jesus.

Standing in the shower, the spray of the water washing over me.

And in that moment, I got all of spirit. All of spirituality. A space opened up, and I could see it. Like an atom bomb. Mushroom cloud. Exploding out and in. Connecting.

With Buddha. Muhammad. Krishna. All of it. And all of them. And us.

My whole life, I have seen Jesus, either with disdain and doubt, or with wonder and curiosity. I've gradually shifted from seeing Jesus as foreign alien, to a "cool guy" with a following, like a Universal Entourage. What is it about this man that has galvanized so many people in so many different directions for so long? Whose message was so confronting that he was killed, deleted, removed. And was so powerful that almost the entire planet defines Time by his birth. Every time we say the year, it is in reference to him. That's got some mojo. And he must have really pissed some people off. What was so confronting? What was so threatening? It must have had some weight to it. Some significance. Some Truth about us as humans.

But what was it? What was the essence of his discovery? All we have now is the interpretations, the many views of this thing he opened up. This thing. What is it? And how do we re-discover it given all we have are signposts, shadows, remnants? Filtered first through the humans around him, who shared his message. Wrote it down. Told stories. "Hey, there's this thing!" This cool guy discovered this thing. THE thing about us as humans and our connection with the Universe. Shout it out. You gotta tell people. It will liberate you. Free you. And yet Jesus' thing has suffered the fate of all messages following the path of human whispering. He has been lost in a kind of cosmic broken telephone. You know how distorted one message gets when passed through 10 kids in a kindergarten classroom. Imagine billions of people over 2000 years. It's distorted. We can guarantee that.


  1. Very interesting take on Jesus. I think that the message is still there, do on to others as you would have them do on to you. The feeling of the unknown drives people to seek answers, and these are the only ones we know. It has less to do with Jesus as a character and more to do with his actions. Its all just about being a good person overall.

  2. Yes. He might have lived that way, said those things, and done those actions. We can only guess based on stories of stories and our filtered interpretation of those interpretations. And for the most part, as humans we turn it neatly into what we want it to be, something that matches our way of viewing the world, to be good or to kill for.
