Thursday, 12 November 2020

Bueller Bueller?

What is the quality of the time we spend in each moment in our day? On the continuum of present to away, where do we stand?

Times when we're present, engaged in the moment, soaking it in. Other times when we're physically there, but mentally absent -- distracted, away, in our thoughts, escaping? If we were to graph our experience, what might it look like? How often are we present with the life we're living? For all those moments we are away, we are missing our lives, missing our kids' questions, missing moments of intimacy with our partners, missing our life.

Is this the kind of life we want to look back on? An absent life, drifting through, physically there, but a spiritual ghost. And what's the impact of ghosting our own lives? The impact on our kids, our relationships, our work. The question for us all to answer is, what kind of quality of life do we truly want? At the end of the day, looking back, how do we want it to be?

And then start creating it now.

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