Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Fires Worth Spreading

Fire sparks other fires without losing itself in the event. Fire is not limited. It sparks more of itself, and yet retains its own energy and light.

Some of our spiritual fires are burning so low -- are so cluttered and watered down -- that it can take a profound interruption to re-light. How do we rekindle our own fire, our spirit -- that energy within, that propels us forward in our life?

I imagine we each rekindle in different ways, sparked by what lights us up, what feeds us spiritually. So then our job becomes to discover what those experiences are, and to cultivate them. To create opportunities to feed our own fires, so that we radiate out and light the spark for others.

To clear the spiritual junk, gather our own kindling and dry wood for our life -- and to keep it burning with plenty of oxygen. Sounds like the kind of fire worth spreading.

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