Saturday, 5 January 2013

Failure to Thrive

Failure to Thrive. Stamped on River's medical form. Failure to Grow really. Stuck. On Pause. Active. Happy. Thriving really. In every other way. Except up and out. The same height and size as one year ago. Stopped in time. We take biology for granted. Our hair grows. Our food is digested. Our liver filters. And when something doesn't do it's function, it's role, what do we do? How do we respond? Out of our control. Beyond what we know. We get up in the morning, and our heart is still beating. Our lungs still exchanging air. Really, we should thank our organs every morning for keeping it going, doing their thing. Thank you heart for pumping my blood around, feeding my cells, allowing this body to carry this mind around, allowing me to be. To exist. And yet, what if biology fails, if the pituitary doesn't produce growth hormone. Not pulling its weight. Pituitary slacker. One little part, not doing it's thing, and the rest doesn't grow. All the other parts can't change, can't become what they are. The block to everything else changing, growing, thriving, the block to being. And I think of that part of ourselves that blocks. Our own Failure to Thrive. At this age. At this stage of life. The part that slacks, keeps us stuck. On pause. Not growing into who we can become. Following our dreams. Our passions. What we truly love. And what is the answer? The solution? The prescription that will fix it, cure it, solve it. Tidy it up. Neatly. And what if there isn't one? What if Not Knowing is an opportunity. An opening to meet new people, be vulnerable, ask for help, a gift really. A chance to learn, to overcome, to create a miracle.

1 comment:

  1. I was just checking out your backyard bok boks when I came upon this. My 20-month-old also failed to thrive. Still is, I guess, but is also thriving in so many other ways. In our case, he was severely anemic due to both iron and B12 deficiencies and had/has other deficiencies. When we saw his bloodwork we couldn't believe how truly sick he was given that he had no developmental deficits. We got (and continue to get) amazing help from a local dietician. It's so hard to wrap your head around... or it was for us. Please send me a message at kate(at)peripheralvision(dot)ca if you want to hear more about our experience and I can give you the name of our dietician. She was more help than any other health practitioner by a huge margin. A good chunk of our long story is here.
