Me: Want to go the Special Way to school today?
Rowan: Yes.
Rowan: It's not really the Special Way anymore.
Me: Why not?
Rowan: Well, it's just a big open space. There's nothing growing there now.
Me: That's what's special to me. The big field of snow. Someday, they may build houses there.
Rowan: It's special to me because no one has stepped there.
Me: I like the farm house and that we can see all the way past the hills.
Rowan: Why does the farmer need to grow food?
Me: Why do you think?
Rowan: I don't know!!! Just tell me.
Me: What might the farmer need?
Rowan: To eat. He grows food to eat.
Me: Why else would he grow food?
Rowan: To survive.
Me: Why do you need him to grow food?
Rowan: For me to eat. (pause) And survive.
Me: Yes.
Rowan: Why do they want to build houses there?
Me: Good question. People need places to live.
Rowan: But then, what will they eat?
Me: Yes, exactly.
Rowan: I think that's mean to nature.